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Bulletin of the Karaganda university
Biology. Medicine. Geography series. About journal



The 4th issue of the Bulletin of the University of Karaganda, series geography was formed by the guest editor - Chernykh D.V.

Chernykh Dmitry Vladimirovich – is a Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Chief Researcher, Institute of Water and Environmental Problems, SB RAS, Professor, Altai State University. He is an expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Member of the Permanent Environmental Commission of the Russian Geographical Society. Member of the International Association of Landscape Ecology. Member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Altai Territory. Member of the editorial board of the journals Geography and Natural Resources and Stepeology Issues. Member of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Tigirek State Reserve. Organizer and leader of numerous scientific expeditions in Siberia. Author of more than 200 publications in the field of landscape science, landscape ecology, landscape hydrology, environmental mapping, paleogeography, conservation.

We thank Chernykh D.V. for cooperation and excellent work on the formation of the geography series!

Bulletin of the Karaganda University. Series Biology. Medicine. Geography.

ISSN: ISSN 2518-7201 (Print)

ISSN: ISSN 2663-5003 (Online).

Journal is registered by the ISSN International Center ISSN:

ISSN 2518-7201 (Print)

ISSN 2663-5003 (Online).

Access to articles of the electronic version of the journal is open at: https://biollogy-medcine-geography-vestnik.ksu.kz/.

From 2020, all articles will be assigned a digital object identifier DOI.

Publisher: Non-profit JSC «Karaganda University of the name of academician E.A. Buketov» of Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Languages of publication: series Biology – only in Russian; series Medicine and Geography -  серия медицина и география – English, Russian, Kazakh

Periodicity: 1 time per quarter. No. 1 comes out March 30, No. 2 comes out June 30, No. 3 comes out September 30, and No. 4 comes out December 30.

Aim of journal « Bulletin of the Karaganda University. Series Biology. Medicine. Geography»: coverage of a wide range of biological problems in the form of reviews, experimental studies in Kazakhstan, near and far abroad countries, criticism and annotation; publication of the main results of scientific research, grant projects, dissertation works; discussion of a wide range of problems of biology, medicine and geography.


1 To cover new scientific results of fundamental and applied importance in biology, medicine, geography, innovative methods of teaching biology and geography.

2 To provide national and international functions in the coverage of the main results of the authors of the journal, conferences of various levels, published publications on the basis of the Karaganda University of the named of academician E.A. Buketov.

3 Creation of an open scientific space available for wide consultation of the results of scientific research.

4 Formation of permanent interest in the scientific community, young scientists, masters and doctoral students, with the provision of professional development.

Types of papers:

-review (up 12-14 pages);

- original research (up to 10 pages);

-Short communications (5-6 pages);

-Data Paper;

-Memorial articles dedicated to the memory of leading scientists of Kazakhstan.

Thematic coverage - results of original research in the form of full-text articles, reviews and reports in the fields of biology, medicine and geography in the following sections:

Series Biology:

1 Botany (flora, plant resources, anatomy, morphology and physiology of plants, introduction, issues of plant protection in natural conditions);

2 Zoology (fauna of vertebrate and invertebrate animals, their ecology and protection);

3 Molecular biology;

4 Microbiology, plant biotechnology;

Series Medicine:

1 Human Ecology;

2 Diabetes and research in diabetes.

3 Pharmacy.

Series Geography:

1 Geography (physical, economic, landscape) and geoecology.

The journal does not publish:

-materials that do not correspond to the directions of the journal, including articles on the directions of agriculture, industrial biotechnology and food industry are not published;

-Materials previously published by the authors in other editions;

-formatted without meeting the technical requirements of the journal;

-articles in Data Papers format or abstracts of flora and fauna without placing data sets on GBIF platform in the format of check lists / occurrence;

-materials containing repetitions, spelling, mathematical and other errors that cannot be corrected, as well as statements and hypotheses that directly contradict established scientific facts.

The journal publishes scientific papers regardless of the nationality and departmental affiliation of the authors. Articles are selected on the basis of double-blind reviewing.

Address of redaction: Republic of Kazakhstan, 470074, Karaganda city, Universitetskaya street, , 28/3, campus 3 (faculty of biology and geography); е-mail: bulletin_karsu_biology@mail.ru

Tel.: +7(7212) 356152

Editor-in-Chief: Ishmuratova М.Yu., +7 777 354 9191

Executive secretary: Tleukenova S.U., +77752363678

Editor-in-Charge of the Medicine Series: Atazhanova G.А.

Editor-in-Charge of the Geography Series: Akpambetova K.М.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1000283800700114

General information

1. Scientific journal "Bulletin of Karaganda University. Series Biology. Medicine. Geography" is registered in the International Center for Registration of Serial Publications ISSN (UNESCO, Paris, France) ISSN 2518-7201 (Print), ISSN 2663-5003 (Online).

2. Scientific journal "Bulletin of Karaganda University. Series Biology. Medicine. Geography" is registered in Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Registration certificate № 13106–Ж from 23.10.2012.

3. The scientific journal is included in the list of publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science of MES RK.

4. Journal "Bulletin of Karaganda University. Series Biology. Medicine. Geography" assigns a digital object identifier to all published articles DOI.

5. Ж he journal is registered in Russian Index of National Citing. All articles are indexed in RINC and placed in open access in the Scientific Electronic Library on the elibrary.ru website in the following format PDF.