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Bulletin of the Karaganda university
Biology. Medicine. Geography series. Open access policy

The publication is a peer-reviewed open access journal.

The issues of the journal, as well as individual articles are posted free of charge and indefinitely on the official website of the journal in the "Archive" section immediately after the publication of the next issue.

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Access to the full-text database of articles of the scientific journal "Bulletin of Karaganda University" in PDF format is available at: on the website of the journal: https://vestnik.ksu.kz/; on site of electronic scientific library (URL https://rep.ksu.kz).

Authors are given direct open access to their content based on the following principle: free open access to research results increases global knowledge sharing. This means being able to read, download, copy, distribute, print and link to full-text articles with attribution.

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Published in  this journal articles are licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivatives 4.0 International) license, which provides for their non-commercial use only. Under this license, users have the right to copy and distribute the material in copyright, but are not permitted to modify or use it for commercial purposes. Full details on the licensing are available at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/.

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Authors retain the right to make separate contractual arrangements for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work as published here (e.g., placing it in an institutional repository, publishing it in a book) with reference to its original publication in this journal. Authors have the right to post their work online (e.g., in an institutional repository or on a personal website) before and during the review process of this journal, as this may lead to productive discussion and more citations of the work.

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Authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which allows others to read, download, copy and distribute the work free of charge with acknowledgement of authorship of the work and a link to publication in this journal.

Open Access Publication Fee

Since this is an open access journal with no subscription fees, the author or the sponsor of the research pays the costs associated with publication.

The publication fee can be paid by the authors only after going through the peer review process and a positive decision of the editorial board to accept the manuscript for publication. The publication fee for this journal is:

- for foreign authors (without co-authors from the Republic of Kazakhstan) - free of charge;

 - for domestic authors with H-index more than 10 - free of charge;

- for biology series: 20,000 tenge for authors of the Karaganda University of the name of academician E.A. Buketov (faculty, master's and doctoral students) and 40,000 tenge for authors of third-party organizations; for medicine and geography series: 10,000 tenge for authors of Buketov Karaganda University and 20,000 tenge for third-party authors..


The journal has been published in electronic format since 2010. All electronic issues of the journal are stored in the "Archive" section of the journal's website. All issues of the journal are sent and stored in:

-Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library- http://rmebrk.kz/magazine/1579 ;

Repository of Karaganda University of the name of academician E.A. Buketov:  https://rep.ksu.kz/handle/data/281;

Scientific electronic library.