Bulletin of the Karaganda university

Biology. Medicine. Geography series. №2016-83-3

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  • Beisenova R.R., Khanturin M.R., Fevzi Uçkan, Mustafa R.S. Changes in the behavior of laboratory rats after exposed exhaust gases
  • Zhumabekova B.K., Zhumabekova K.A. Effect of Kombuchaon microbiocenosis of colon
  • Beisenova R.R., Zhaznaeva Zh.K., Saspugayeva G.Y., Grigoryev A.I. Changes of hematological indices of blood of rats with acute (LD50) poisoning phenylhydrazine, cobalt nitrate and correction with preparation «EPAM 4».
  • Yerken I., Zhuzbayeva G.O., Tyrzhanova S.S. Efficiency of using competence-oriented assignments at Biology lessons
  • Konovalova A.A., Mashzhan A.S., Khodkov A.V., Pogossyan G.P., Zhumina A.G., Oganesyan R.G. The principle and advantages of Real-time PCR
  • Akhmetzhanova A.I., Аuyelbekova A.K., Kyzdarova D.K. The anatomic characteristic of a Sedum acre L, caustic from various ecological conditions of South and the Central Kazakhstan
  • Abukenova V.S., Blyalova Zh.Zh., Shaibek A.Zh. Determination of the saprobity degree of the Bukpa river section acording to the indicator ciliates species
  • Kaipova Zh.N., Sataev M.I., Garabadzhiu A.V., Redyuk S.N. Тechnology of obtaining highly concentrated methane from biogas
  • Dodonova А.Sh., Gavrilkova H.N., Ishmuratova М.Yu., Tleukenova S.U., Verzhuk V.G., Pavlov A.V. The cryoconservation of seed materials of Serratula kirghisorum
  • Myrzabaev A.B., Makhanov K.M., Makhanova D.K. Process Research interaction silver nanoparticles on photo-biological properties of green plant leaves
  • Akhmetzhanova А.I., Nauryzbayeva A.N. Useful plants that are found in ponds Darat of Aktau mountain region
  • Winterholler B., Auelbekova A.K., Kyzdarova D.K. Ontogenesis Delphinium Elatum L. in natural conditions Karaganda region
  • Kartbayeva G.Т., Elshina K.А. The study of peculiarities of pasteurized dairy products of Osakarov district
  • Yeleupaeva Sh.K., Korchyn V.I., Zhumagalieva Zh.Zh. Some ways of increasing biochemical properties of sour-milk bacteria in preparation of drinks
  • Nurkenova A.T. Bioecological especially of lichens flora of Karkaraly–Kyzylaray uplands
  • Zhumagaliyeva Zh.Zh., Yeleupaeva Sh.K., Korchyn V.I. Study the alkaloid composition in the rue (Thalictrum foetidum), occurring in Karkaralinsk region
  • Abukenova V.S., Revert I.V. Some features of the Parnassius populations in Kazakh Upland


  • Meyramov G.G., Konert K.-D., Korchin V.I., Kikimbaeva A.A., Laryushina E.M., Mindubaeva F.A., Alina A.R., Shaybek A.Zh., Abukenova V.S., Zhuzbaeva G.O., Zhumasheva K.A., Tуrzhanova S.S., Nazarova Y.M. The histochemical characteristic of pancreatic B-cells
  • Ibraev S.A., Koigeldinova Sh.S., Andybaeva A.E., Talaspayeva A., Krasikova K.A. Changes of phospholipids during the lipid peroxidation in workers exposed to coal-rock dust
  • Namazbaeva Z.I., Ibrayeva L.K., Dosybaeva G.N., Mukasheva M.A., Pochevalov A.M. Haematological indices in population studies of population Aral Sea region
  • Yessimova R.Zh., Seilkhanova A.A., Anis K., Yessilbaeva B.T. Assessment of reproductive function in women in ecologically unfavorable regions of the Karaganda region