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Bulletin of the Karaganda university
Biology. Medicine. Geography series. № 2(98)/2020

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  • Amirkhanova Zh.T., Bodeeva R.T., Akhmetova S.B., Kushugulova A.R. Study of biological properties of Lactobacillus helveticus strains isolated in the Karaganda region for the design of the consortium DOI 10.31489/2020BMG2/6-16
  • Amenova D.М., Ageev D.V., Ishmuratova М.Yu., Zeinidenov А.K. Assessment of water-retaining capacity of wheat seedlings after exposure to laser radiationDOI 10.31489/2020BMG2/17-22
  • Bairon L.Zh., Issenova A.O., Zhappar N.K., Shaikhutdinov V.M. Identification of new strains of lactic acid bacteria from south region of Kazakhstan DOI 10.31489/2020BMG2/23-27
  • Джангалина Э.Д., Жумабаева Б.А., Айташева З.Г., Лебедева Л.П. Разработка протокола массового получения каллусных культур фасоли казахстанской и зарубежной селекции DOI 10.31489/2020BMG2/28-36
  • Ishmuratova М.Yu., Butumbayeva М.К., Takhanova D.А., Zholdybayeva K.B., Silant'eva М.М. Analysis of representatives of Lamiaceae family in the flora of the Central Kazakhstan DOI 10.31489/2020BMG2/37-44
  • Orazov A.E., Myrzagaliyeva A.B., Zhangozhina G.M., Tustubayeva Sh.T., Karatayeva A.S. Scientific and legal aspects of preservation of rare representatives of dwarf almond section of flora in East Kazakhstan DOI 10.31489/2020BMG2/45-52
  • Rakhmetova A.A., Beisenova R.R., Akpambetova K.M. Geoecological assessment of the dynamics of pollution of the Nura river and Samarkand reservoir DOI 10.31489/2020BMG2/53-59
  • Садырова Г.А. Анализ флоры травянистых растений города Алматы DOI 10.31489/2020BMG2/60-68
  • Seksenova D.U., Esimov B.K., Ibragimova Z.A. Parameters of biochemical serum test of pigs in sarcosporidiosis DOI 10.31489/2020BMG2/69-72
  • Yelkenova B.Z., Beisenova R.R., Karipbayeva N.Sh., Polevik V.V. The influence of atmospheric pollution on the growth and development of pine in the conditions of the Irtysh Semipalatinsk region DOI 10.31489/2020BMG2/73-78
  • Khassenova A.E., Kanafin Ye.N., Zhappar N.K., Shaikhutdinov V.M., Shibayeva A.K. Biodegradation and bioconversion of cellulose containing waste using bacterial and fungal consortium DOI 10.31489/2020BMG2/79-84


  • Bakyt L.G., Zhumina A.G. Determination of Helicobacter pylori by ELISA: single-center experience DOI 10.31489/2020BMG2/85-89
  • Досымбекова Р.С., Бгатова Н.П., Тунгушбаева З.Б., Шарипов К.О., Омирзакова К.К., Исмаилова М.М., Жетписбай Д.Ш. Оқшауланған гепатоциттердің жасушалық гомеостазын сақтауда аутофагияның ролі DOI 10.31489/2020BMG2/90-96
  • Meyramov G.G., Korchin V.I., Shaybek A.S., Andreewa A.P., Zhuzbaeva G.O., Meyramova D.A., Abdraimova-Meyramova A.G. On the chemical mechanisms of interaction of diabetogenic toxic substances with zinc in the pancreas and methods for its prevention DOI 10.31489/2020BMG2/97-107